
Hello Friend,


Welcome home to my online adventure, I am so glad that you have found me, among this sea of great sites in this world-wide web. I do hope you will stay a while and return often. And It  would be an honor to have you follow me here or on any of my social media sites.


The writings I share here are my heart poured out in the most public forum. Yes, it scares me (and I initially ran), but I truly believe that this is what God is asking of me. Therefore, I have made a determined choice to trust and obey Jesus.


Writing as God Leads

Strictly speaking, there are careful and sound interpretations for scripture, but a certain degree of latitude is safe in personal application. It is important to remember however that even if God speaks to anyone of us in a certain way through a certain passage that doesn’t make it the “right” interpretation or official doctrine. But if God has used it to help me and to open my understanding it has validity so long as it doesn’t contradict the gospel or go against biblical principles.

My writings are of this sort they are personal insights for personal application and subjective in nature. I have read and studied the Bible enough to have a foundation. Also, I borrow in part from sermons and a lot Christian reading over many years. I hope I do not error too grievously.


This blog and all my writings are for the Lord, I truly hope to be His instrument in this process. I am always learning and growing in the Lord. I hope that you will walk in this place of spiritual growth with me, as I write as God leads. God has been and continues to be so good to me.

You can go straight to the blog page here,  Blogging for the Lord 



My Prayer for You:


Heavenly Father, bless my reader friends, I pray that You will speak to their hearts and fill them with Your peace and joy. I pray that my obedience to You will aid them to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Lord, help us to grow in a greater understanding of You. For Your word says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10)


Lord God, give us hearts to praise you through everything this life brings our way, because we know that You work “…all things work together for good to them that love You…” (Rom 8:28) Give us the courage and strength to trust you even when we can’t see what You could possibly do in “this” situation. May we always praise, and trust in You, let us not lose sight of Your ability. May our wills become in sync with Your will.


In the name of Jesus, I pray Amen!


What you can expect from me:


My plan is to do one post each month. I write as God leads, and expect a lot of it will be closely related to what God is teaching me. However, I love to receive suggestions as well. My goal is to reply within 24 hours, usually I am able to reply sooner. Truly, I love to get to know my readers, so please let me know what you think about my writing, even if it is constructive criticism. I am here to learn and grow, and I very much hope to become a better writer along the way.





I have a page called “Testimonies” my testimony is there and I hope that you will take the time to read it. I believe that our strongest witness is our testimony along with how we live our life each day. Writing out my testimony was challenging emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, It was also an amazing blessing. God truly blessed me through the process. So, I would challenge you to put your testimony on paper, and if you are comfortable I would love to add your testimony to my testimony page, I do believe they can help others. We all live diverse lives and we each respond to experiences differently, there are people out there more like you than me, and it may be your testimony speaks to their heart where mine couldn’t. If you would like me to share your testimony you can email it to me at info@debrajean.net or you can use the “contact me” page.


From the bottom of my heart I thank you for stopping by, I hope you will stay a while and come back again soon!


If you wish to subscribe you will receive email alerts when there is a new post, typically I email only once a week, I know how it is to get bombarded by emails and that is not what I want to do.


Have a blessed day!My Testimony, I am a child of God, this is a story of God's grace. cancer survivor, fibromyalgia, chronic illness, chronic migraines #myweaknesshisstrength #testimony #christianblog #christianwriter #Faith #grace #bygodsgrace #salvation

Grace and Peace,

Debra Jean


8 thoughts on “Welcome”

    1. Thanks again Jeanne, for letting me know there was an issue. It should be working now. Grace and Peace Debra Jean

  1. Good luck with your new writing adventure. God leads and you are following. Blogging is a great way to become a better writer, and to clarify your thoughts. I’m off to check out your testimony’s tab!

    1. Thank you Jeanne! And I got you message about the testimony post. I’m going to need to get a hold of support, it’s nothing simple unfortunately. I will respond to that comment once it’s fixed. Thanks again for visiting and taking the time to encourage me, that is greatly appreciated! Blessings!

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