Hello and Welcome to my adventure in writing!
Who am I-
My name is Debra Jean, I am a child of God, a mother, and Christian writer. I am an avid reader, I also love crafting and trying new things. With over 20 years working in different forms of customer service, it is my aim to serve in all that I do. I also spent 10 years doing governmental finance and budget work.It is often a struggle to keep my analytical side balance with my creative side.
A diagnosis of fibromyalgia came in 2009, which causes chronic pain and fatigue, there is no cure, it is an illness that I work to “manage.” In 2015 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, this was devastating, yet I came out of it cancer free and a stronger and person. Writing is just me trusting and obeying the Lord. I write for Him, it is His, I am His instrument.
Why am I here-
I am truly just trying to follow the guidance of the Lord. If I’m honest I reluctantly admit that I am a stiff-necked person. I also realize that I am very rebellious, even when I think I am being obedient. For over 10 years I knew that the Lord wanted me to write. Clear instruction had been given and received. Only fear crept in and have let the fear cause confusion and trip me up. I wrote for a little bit, little being the problem as I was slacking off very soon. Letting everything else get in the way and take up my time. Eventually, I conveniently “forgot” that I had been asked to write.
There were a few years were multiple things including, Bible studies, and some health issues, along with a desire to pray more; all of it kept pointing me back to the Lord leading me to write. On one hand I was trying to ignore the signs, and on the other hand I was desperately trying to draw near to the Lord. As I’m sure you have guessed I continued to run into the same wall. Finding myself surprised to be there; all I can say is that I am stubborn at times, okay, extremely stubborn my be an understatement. Unfortunately, it took a lot to get me to “remember” what I have been called to do. I am very ashamed of this fact.
My hope is to have some fun and share some of my life, heart and soul with you. In this format, I expect to be writing mostly on what I am learning in my walk with Jesus. My goal is to write as I would talk if we were having coffee. I aim to be real and honest with God, myself, and you, my Reader. You are important to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading anything I have written.