He Answers Prayer

Recently I have been going through boxes and boxes of books, among other things. I have come across many books that I am looking forward to rereading. A few I think got packed before I had a chance to read them. Oh, I guess I should mention that I am not speaking of any fictions, these are all books for spiritual growth. It’s an obsession, or passion, to grow closer to God- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I digress this article is on answered prayer.
Finding Past Prayer
In the mix, I came across an old prayer journal. As it turns out it is almost exactly 10 years old, just off by about 12 days. I sat down and read through the first few days. At first it depressed me greatly. I felt as though nothing had changed in 10 years, here I was still asking for the same things. I was very distraught and went to the Lord in prayer asking for forgiveness. My hearts longing would never be answered. I felt that there must be something blocking me from growing in Him. I asked for Him to open my eyes to what wall was in my way and how to break it down.
24 Hours of Prayer
As the next 24 hours progressed Jesus did just as I asked, only not as I had expected. He revealed to me that while a lot of the prayer was the same, I have grown in many ways. I just needed to look closer and remember where I was 10 years ago.
Reliving 10 years in the Past
10 years ago, I found myself out of work, with no clear direction as to what I was to do. I had two children in grade school and the loss of my income was hurting the family. In many ways I felt worthless, and I didn’t understand how I had gotten to this point in my life. I was extremely stressed out over the finances as was my husband. As you can imagine this put an added strain on a relationship that was already stretched thin.
I was applying for every and any job and going for many interviews, yet nothing was working out. If you have been through this you know what a taxing process this is. I felt like I was working harder trying to find a job than any job would have expected. I was miserable, and many times ran to my room, fell on my knees, and cried. What was going on?!
Fast Forward 10 Years
Okay, so now let’s look at where I am today, 10 years later. Interesting enough on the surface a lot looks the same. I am currently home, not because I don’t have a job, I have a good career now. Although, I have had one health issue after another for the past 7 years, with growing intensity over the last 3 years.
So, currently I have been home for about 6 weeks. And because I have been out of work so much over the past years I have no leave to draw from. Therefore, no paycheck. I expect a bill any day for our health insurance that usually is paid out of my pay. Our savings has also been slowly dwindling, due to illness hospital bills, etc. So again, our worries are big. My husband’s stress level is through the roof and he is concerned that I may never get back to work.

Prayer Changes Things
Now here is where I see a significant difference. I am not worried, I am relaxed even and enjoying my time at home. I have had so much extra time to spend in prayer and the study of God’s Word, I feel blessed. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that He will provide for us every need that we have. There is no worry or stress. 10 years’ latter He gave me a beautiful picture of the growth I have had. And has shown me how strong my faith is becoming.
Big Prayers Answered
I have one other huge blessing to share from the 10-year-old prayer journal. In one of the entries I had prayed fervently that God would save my husband. And this year on Easter Morning (which as I write was yesterday) he gave his life to Jesus. It took 10 years of prayer, but God answered. Truly words can’t fully express how overjoyed I am about this. I know he will not have the same faith as I do today. However, I do know that if we (as a team, a family) yearn to be in God’s will, we will be okay. God is good!
Despair turns to Hope
Now the journal that originally filled me with despair has been an immense blessing after all. I went back a couple of days later and read through those first few days again. What I found was that like today my greatest desire is to draw closer to the Lord. Now I see that in the last 10 years He has drawn me closer. I believe this will be my hearts deepest longing until I am sitting in the presence of the Lord. So, I will continue to pray, “Lord draw me closer, and closer, into a more personal relationship with you” until my last prayer in this body.

I hope and pray that you too can look back 1 or 5 or 10 years and see that God has lead you on a beautiful journey. It is not always easy but He is always with you. He is working all things out for your good. All you need to do is love Him, trust Him, and obey Him.
You can probably tell that this was written a few months ago. So, I thought it appropriate to add an update. I am still home, fighting some health issues. Nothing serious, just enough to keep me from driving and work and having to rest a lot. I only get a couple hours most days on the computer, and am so blessed that God has lead me to blog in this time it has; 1. Given me something to do and focus on (rather than feeling sorry for myself) 2. Introduced me to a whole new world and many amazing women chasing after God.
My husband and myself are both attending Bible Studies and going to church more regularly than ever before. It is awesome to have a common priority of God in our marriage and family.
Life is never going to be perfect, it is hard. Yet, we know that God is so, so GOOD and gracious! I know that I am where I am for a reason. That God is working in it and through it. Sure I could ask for much more. However, I choose to be grateful for what I do have. To focus on what I can do, rather that the alternatives. Greatly blessed am I, by a loving God who cares for me. This fills my heart with true joy each day.
May God bless you with eyes that see how very much He loves you!
It’s great to track our prayers by journaling. Its amazing how it brings answered prayers into perspective. It can be easy to over look the ways our prayers are answered especially when not answered as we expected.
Great post!!
Thank you Lureta! It was great to see how I have grown, and how great our God is. Thanks for reading, I am so glad you enjoyed it. 8)
A record of answered prayer is so faith-building!
It really is! Thanks for stopping by! 8)
How lovely to track spiritual growth. Life is always hard but learning to live in faith is freeing. Very inspirational post.
Thank you Alice, God is so good! Thanks for reading. 8)
Hi Debra, just want you to know i am reading your “blog” and i am impressed! God Bless, mom
Thanks Mom! I Love you too!