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Poor Spiritual Nourishment – Faulty Crops



Poor Spiritual Nourishment


Do you think much about your spiritual nourishment? Lots of time and money go into on our diet and physical health. But, how much time and effort goes into our spiritual health? Today we are going to look at spiritual nourishment. I pray this little story will help you think more about your spiritual nourishment and health.


Faulty Crops

Once upon a time in the far away land of Menira, crops were failing. There hadn’t been a good harvest in 2 years. The crops were only producing about 20% of what they should have. Crop failure is usually due to weather, or pests. The weather had been ideal. And they were unable to identify any pest that could have caused such a decrease in growth.

Plants just were not growing. They were given every possible advantage for a good crop. Yet, few green sprouts poked their heads out of the rich soil.


Growing Upside Down


Scientists eventually discovered what was happening. Although, they were baffled as to why.

Somehow, the seeds appeared to have some wires crossed. Essentially, they were attempting to grow upside down. The roots were breaking out of the seed and pushing their way up toward the surface and to the sun rather than down into the soil for the water. And the green sprout was attempting to push down farther into the soil, away from the sun.

The roots are burned by the sun and the gentle green sprouts wilt away in the damp soil.


How Does A Seed Forget How to Grow

Poor Spiritual Nourishment


Everyone scratched their heads as to why something that for thousands of years had done its thing would suddenly not know how.

The city officials, scientists and farmers did much research and contacted other countries. Finding that only a few other countries were having similar issues. The people of Menira decided that a large portion of the next year’s seed would come from other countries, countries not having these problems, and a few new crops would be planted. All available land would be farmed. Extra care taken to ensure the crops would have the richest soil, optimal sun and water – the best chance for a full return.

   Menira was on the verge of a disaster. Food supplies would only be able to sustain the city for another year or so before some people would start to starve. Everyone worried.


Can she forget what she was made for?

When does she forget how to grow?

What makes her grow upside down?


   All too often the confused seed is me. I find it very hard to be in this world and not of this world.

   Sometimes, I look around and think how simple things are for every living thing, other than us humans.

Seeds grow, flowers bloom, animals go about their business, stars shine, and the sun and moon faithfully mark each day, month and year. Only humans struggle with the question, “What am I here for?”  

We alone question God’s purpose and plan. Yet, we alone have the ability to have a close personal relationship with Him. A privilege we have turned into a burden.


Finding my place and purpose


   Because of sin, my own sinful nature, I struggle with my place and my purpose. I too, am trying to grow upside down. When I am looking to this world and its sinful ways to find fulfillment. Although, I know full well nothing truly good can come from something so corrupt.

When I try to find where I fit in this world, I am growing upside down. My roots are drying up and starting to shrivel. And my new sprout is wilting in the damp dark soil. I’m dying! And so many others are dying with me!

   Trying to grow into something that fits, or looks like it fits, into this world will only bring a lot of undue struggle, pain and ultimately death.

   “Flip over, turn around” I tell myself. “Look to the Son not to the world.”

It doesn’t matter what the world thinks or says, what matters is what God thinks. So, what does God say?

I am a child of God – Ephesians 1:3-8

You and I are redeemed – Galatians 3:13

We are LOVED – John 3:16


Made to glorify God – Spiritual Nourishment


 I need to remember that my roots do not long for the ways of this world, they long for the nourishment of God’s Word. The sun that dries out my roots is not the Son my sprout is looking for. This seed was put on earth to be more than just a seed. I was meant to be a child of God, made to break free of the seed. To grow in the nourishment found in the soil of God’s Word, the bright rays of the Son- Jesus and the clean, clear water of the Holy Spirit.

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”   

Proverbs 3:6


“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.” 

Psalms 150:6


   I was made to glorify God, just as surely as the stars were made to shine. Life becomes pointless and somehow empty, regardless of how busy it is, when I lose sight of my purpose. When my focus moves to the things of this world, I am no longer feeding my spirit.


Making a Camp Site HOME


  When we try to make this world our home, and find our place in it, we lose sight of what is truly important. And it all goes downhill from there, just like the seed trying to grow upside down, it just doesn’t work.

Our place is in Christ, and there is nowhere else we will fit in like we do in Christ. Only in Jesus Christ will we find the spiritual nourishment we need. In Christ we can glorify God through a fruitful life. We would do well to concern ourselves more with our spiritual nourishment. This world is junk food, laced with a bit of poison, that will bring nothing but a slow painful death.


Spiritual Nourishment is in Jesus


    Faulty crops don’t just happen in “Once upon a time in a far away land” it happens everywhere every day. Don’t fall for the traps in this world. Keep your eyes on Jesus and be sure to nourish your spirit daily. A good place to start is learning about God’s grace. I also love the book of Proverbs for learning.


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8 thoughts on “Poor Spiritual Nourishment – Faulty Crops”

  1. Dear Debra Jean, how creative you are! I had never quite thought of seeking a place in this world as trying to grow upside down. The Lord places potential in all of us, but free will allows us to choose how to use it. Thankfully, His grace to so deep and wide that if we don’t choose His path initially, He can still use those experiences to bring us back to Him and His work for the Kingdom. Thanks and blessings for your candor and creative lesson.

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